© Avening Parish Council 2025
Avening Memorial Hall
Our village school occupies the hall between
8am and 6pm on weekdays during term time.
Outside of these hours the hall is available to
rent for parties, events and meetings.
To enquire about availability or to make a
booking, please call or email our bookings
secretary (see Contact details).
The village hall was designed by Thomas
Falconer, a member of the Arts and Crafts
movement in the Cotswolds, built on land
given by various members of the public
where once a couple of cottages had stood,
and finally conveyed to the Parish Council in
January 1922. The cost was around £2000,
raised by public subscription.
The hall is situated next to the school and is a
large building of about 74 feet in length with
a steep natural Cotswold stone tiled roof. Its
declared aims are “for the purpose of a Public
Reading and Recreation Hall for the
Parishioners of the Parish of Avening and in
memory of those who were killed in action
during the Great War”.
It had been suggested in 1919 that a
memorial to “our brave boys” should take the
shape of a village hall where their names
would be seen every time the village had an
occasion to use the hall. The memorial tablet
with the names of the 42 World War One
dead and the 10 from World War Two is
located in a niche above the front doors of
the hall, but was only installed in 2010, when
two missing names were also added to the
tablet in the church.
Since then it has been used for everything
from Physical Culture classes in 1925, Infant
Welfare, Men’s Club, meetings for the Scouts,
to the Women’s Institute down to today when
it is largely used as an overflow for the school
during weekdays and continues as a
community venue in the evenings. Since 1921
it has been extended by a flat-roofed room to
the south called the Chamberlain Room, built
in 1978 in memory of Mr Chamberlain, who
lived in the village and had given a substantial
sum of money for this purpose. The hall has
recently been repaired and refurbished to
celebrate its 100th anniversary.
Supported by Avening Parish Council
Hall rental costs
* Set up & clear up on adjacent days at discretion of booking secretary and subject to availability.
** Any additional license costs are the responsibility of the hirer.
Terms and conditions:
There are a few simple rules to observe
when hiring the hall - please click ‘more
info’ to view/download