Avening - Meet your Councillors
© Avening Parish Council 2025
“Preserve, Conserve, Enhance”



The Parish Council of Avening consists of nine council seats. The current Councillors were elected/co-opted following the election in May 2023 and will serve until 2027. The Parish Council meetings normally take place in the Jim Parsons room upstairs at the back of the Memorial Hall, on the second Wednesday of each month, and commence at 7.00pm. All Members of the public are invited to attend meetings, and will have the opportunity to speak at a public forum at the start of the meeting. Every councillor is required to declare all interests pertaining to the parish they serve. The registers for Avening councillors can be seen from the links on this page:


Cllr Patrick Mulligan - Chairman

Retired senior account manager in the food service industry and tobacco industry also runs a care home locally. Property deveopment. Joined the PC in 2019, and now provides hands on skills to keep village assets in good order

Cllr David Bendall

Has been a councillor since 2015. Retired senior account manager in fire safety equipment and installations

Cllr Gill Parsons

Served as a councillor for over 25 years, and provides expert knowledge on listed buildings and historic landscapes around Avening. Lives in Tetbury, but has farming interests in the village

Cllr Tony Slater

Joined the PC in 2006 and was chairman between 2016 and 2021. Retired from full time work in 2020, but has extensive previous experience as an independant Programme Office Manager in financial services. In 2023 Tony also became the District Councillor for Grumbolds Ash with Avening

Cllr John Hetterley

Joined the PC in 2019 and has taken on the ‘chancellor’ role in managing the PC finances to ensure good practice. Retired civil servant

Cllr Richard King - Vice Chairman

Joined the PC in 2019. Has significant business experience as a self-employed consultant to the oil, gas and nuclear industries

Cllr Stephanie Hamilton

Joined the PC in 2019. Employed as a dental nurse/receptionist, and has served in the community and church for many years, being integral to organising the village fetes.

Parish Clerk - Shani Baker

Took over as Parish Clerk in 2019, and is the Responsible Financial Officer for the council. Also works for a number of other charities Should be the first pioint of contact for any public queries (office hours only)



Tel: 07713068436 email: chair@avening-pc.gov.uk


Tel: 07793669930 email: tony@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01453833479 email: david@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07481538525 email: Richard@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07729637411 email: john@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07870959608 email: Gill@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07796981308 email: stephanie@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07415039234 (office hours only) email: parishclerk@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: TBC email: James@avening-pc.gov.uk

Cllr James Mills

Joined the PC in 2024.

Cllr Deborah Blackie

Has been a councillor since 2025
Tel: TBC email: TBC
Meet your Councillors
© Avening Parish Council 2025



The Parish Council of Avening consists of nine council seats. The current Councillors were elected/co-opted following the election in May 2023 and will serve until 2027. The Parish Council meetings normally take place in the Jim Parsons room upstairs at the back of the Memorial Hall, on the second Wednesday of each month, and commence at 7.00pm. All Members of the public are invited to attend meetings, and will have the opportunity to speak at a public forum at the start of the meeting. Every councillor is required to declare all interests pertaining to the parish they serve. The registers for Avening councillors can be seen from the links on this page:


Cllr Patrick

Mulligan -


Retired senior account manager for a fresh fuit and vegetables wholesaler; also runs a care home locally. Joined the PC in 2019, and now provides hands on skills to keep village assets in good order

Cllr David Bendall

Has been a councillor since 2015. Retired senior account manager in fire safety equipment and installations

Cllr Gill Parsons

Served as a councillor for over 25 years, and provides expert knowledge on listed buildings and historic landscapes around Avening. Lives in Tetbury, but has farming interests in the village

Cllr Tony Slater

Joined the PC in 2006 and was chairman between 2016 and 2021. Retired from full time work in 2020, but has extensive previous experience as an independant Programme Office Manager in financial services. Elected as District Councillor on 2023

Cllr John Hetterley

Joined the PC in 2019 and has taken on the ‘chancellor’ role in managing the PC finances to ensure good practice. Retired civil servant

Cllr Richard King -

Vice Chairman

Joined the PC in 2019. Has significant business experience as a self-employed consultant to the oil, gas and nuclear industries

Cllr Stephanie


Joined the PC in 2019. Employed as a dental nurse/receptionist, and has served in the community and church for many years, being integral to organising the village fetes.

Parish Clerk - Shani


Took over as Parish Clerk in 2019, and is the Responsible Financial Officer for the council. Also works for a number of other charities Should be the first pioint of contact for any public queries (office hours only)
Tel: 07713068436 email: chair@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07793669930 email: tony@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01453833479 email: david@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07481538525 email: Richard@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07729637411 email: john@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07870959608 email: Gill@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07796981308 email: stephanie@avening-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 07415039234 (office hours only) email: parishclerk@avening-pc.gov.uk

Cllr James Mills

Joined the PC in 2024 E
Tel: TBC email: James@avening-pc.gov.uk

Cllr Deborah Blackie

Has been a councillor since 2025
Tel: TBC email: TBC