THURSDAY 19th July, 2012 AT 7.30 PM


The following Councillors were in attendance: Cllr Williamson (Chair), Cllr Catterall, Cllr Slater, Cllr Reid, Cllr Conway.


Also in attendance: Julie Wickham, temporary Clerk to the Parish Council. Deborah Cook, permanent Clerk to Parish Council.


The meeting opened at 7.30pm






Dog Faeces at the Recreation Ground

·         A member of the public came to the meeting to report that two children aged 15months and 5 years had been covered in dog faeces at the recreation ground. In total there were 9 piles of dog faeces in the area, all appearing to be from the same dog.  The resident is not against dogs but felt that something needed to be done.

·         The Chair of the Avening Playing Field Association (APFA) explained that in order to play quick cricket recently they had to do a clean- up of the area.  They now play elsewhere.  The previous work in The Villager and at the school had helped but the effect was short lasting.  The Chair of APFA called for a complete ban on dogs at the recreation ground.

·         The Clerk had received an email from a member of the public stating that a ban was heavy handed.

·         All agreed it was a few irresponsible dog owners who spoiled it for the others.

·         The Chair was minded to hold a public meeting in future to discuss the options.


Telephone Boxes and Use of them


·         Miss Nanette Godfrey of Nags Head had noted the use of a phone box in Chedworth as a book exchange and wondered whether Avening could do the same.  Ideally she would like to see some metal shelving in the phone box with books placed for informal loan.  Miss Godfrey had asked most of the residents of Nags Head and of the ones she had asked, all were in favour.  She offered to keep an eye on the area and monitor its use to ensure it was appropriate. In addition to this request Council had also received a similar request for Avening. ACTION Clerk to put the two people in touch with each other and add to September Agenda.


Land at the back of Sunground

Helen Wilson is interested in becoming a Councillor should a vacancy arise. 

In addition Helen  spoke to Council about land at the back of Sunground, Avening.  ACTION This item will be added to the September Agenda.






Council received a police report from the Police Team.  Crime figures had shown a reduction this year by comparison to the same period last year.





Apologies and reasons for absence were received from Councillors Mitchell, G Parsons, J Parsons, and  Beardsell.






There were no declarations of interest received.






For the June minutes, Councillor Beardsell was in attendance.

The minutes should have shown a resolution to pay £250 to the Parochial Church Council for the Bumper edition of the Villager.  The minutes were annotated and signed to this effect.




TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 21st June 2012 and also of the Annual Parish Meeting held 31st May 2012.



With the addition of the points above it was RESOLVED to accept and sign the minutes of 21st June 2012.  There were no amendments to the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 31st May, 2012 which will be signed next year.






39/12 all were in receipt of Parish Maps with the exception of Councillor John Catterall.  ACTION Clerk to send him the email.


40/12 The Clerk had spoken with Mr Wheatley who had said that he would like to see the reinstatement of the Reading Room and additional more efficient storage would be explored.  Mr Wheatley hoped that work would commence on this over the summer.


43/12 All to contact Wales and West Utilities if they are concerned about gas leaks in and around the village.  Wales and West Utilities emergency gas number is 0800 111999 or for general enquiries please call 0870 165 0597. 


The details of the third contractor quoting for work on Mays Lane Bus Shelter had been sent to Councillors.


The filing cabinet for the permanent Clerk was in hand.




a)       Temporary Clerk’s  Report 


The temporary Clerk had been doing the work necessary on distributing the grants this month as well as the usual monthly tasks.  She was in receipt of a finance sheet from the Avening Silver Band who have modest sums in the bank.  A grant application form had been received from the Youth Club.  The PCC have submitted quotes for work on the walls which are boundary walls to the Churchyard, near the area ashes are scattered.  The retrospective grant for the flag pole is on the agenda.


b)       Permanent Clerk’s Report


The Clerk had attended the CILCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration) training course and set a deadline of  March 2013 to attempt to complete it so allowing the Council to then utilise the General Power of Competence.


The Clerk had been made Treasurer of the Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire Branch of SLCC.





Traffic and Highways

a)       To agree upon the specification for maintenance of Avening’s bus shelters and to resolve to obtain quotes for the work to be carried out.


The specification to maintain the Mays Lane Bus Shelter and the Hampton Hill Bus Shelter had been distributed to Councillors.  Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should ask three people to quote for the work.  Council RESOLVED to add the third bus shelter to the Agenda for September.


b)       To discuss and resolve to add additional work to the grass cutting contract and to examine the cost implications; in particular, additional cutting at Hampton Hill bus shelter up to the 30mph limit sign, additional bramble clearance at Mays lane bus shelter, additional cutting at Old Hill.


Mr G Brookes had submitted a quote for additional work as follows:-


additional cutting at Hampton Hill bus shelter up to the 30mph limit sign £52.50

 additional bramble clearance at Mays lane bus shelter £20

 additional cutting at Old Hill £52.50


Last year Council budgeted £4,300 for grass cutting and spent £3,780.


Council RESOLVED that these additional cuts should go ahead for this year. 


Community Projects

a)       To consider awarding a retrospective request for a Community Grant contribution of £300 from the Parochial Church Council towards the erection of a flagpole at the church.


Council RESOLVED to pay £300 towards the erection of the flagpole at the church. 


All Councillors to be reminded that all requests for spending must be placed on the agenda before they are incurred.  The request and the amount to be paid must be determined by the Council as a Corporate Body.


b)       To consider awarding and to confirm amounts (taking into account additional information) for the grant to the PCC for Queen Matilda's celebrations, wall repair and grass cutting.


The grant request was restated.  The request was for ‘Queen Matilda’s Celebrations, Churchyard Improvements including safety control work’.  It was noted that the PCC would still be cutting the grass at the churchyard.  Council RESOLVED to pay £2,000 to the Parochial Church Council for the above (in bold).


c)       To discuss and agree next steps for ensuring that Avening residents are aware of the existing Dog Control order that covers the Cotswold District to the effect that each dog owner is responsible for the removal and correct disposal of dog faeces from their dog, on open ground (which includes the recreation ground in Avening).


Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to Cotswolds District Council in the first instance:-


·         The Clerk should accept CDC’s offer of help in working with the school to raise awareness of the issue

·         Work with CDC to put up signs to reinforce the existing Dog Control Order at a cost in the region of £150 for four signs bolted to the available posts, (but Council making our own arrangements if this was not quickly forthcoming)

·         Continue to work with CDC with regards information about people who do not pick up after their dogs

and further to:-

·         Use the fliers on file to prepare a draft for Councillors (to be agreed by email)  to be distributed with the Villager


Council were minded to speak with APFA to arrange a Parish Meeting on this issue and other ideas were discussed but not resolved upon.  These were:-


Fliers to be distributed at the recreation ground in three shifts (morning, afternoon and evening) to make people aware of the penalties if they do not pick up after their dogs, and the danger to small children of infection and blindness, reminding residents that a total ban would be considered if this work wasn’t successful


Fliers to be distributed by village children


Surveillance in order to secure a prosecution


Council RESOLVED that these items be added to the agenda for September.


d)       To provide a summary of the grant monies spent by members of the PCC on the Jubilee celebrations (cheques for approval under Finance).


The amount spent on the Jubilee was as follows:-

Public toilets £123.50

Citronella and Fireworks £79.96

Entertainment System to Enable Viewing of the Concert £680 excluding VAT making a total cost of £944.50


e)       To note the progress with the work in order to obtain quotes to repair the Avening Sign by the school


The Clerk had received two quotes for repair and renewal of the Avening sign by the school.  A third quote was sought but was not forthcoming.  Council RESOLVED to accept Mr R Newton’s quote in the sum of £1148 and the Clerk to ask him to begin the work.


f)         To note the implications for the village of the cancellation of the Festival of British Eventing at Gatcombe Park

Councillors noted this cancelation and regretted its effect upon the village.






a)       Balance at Bank.  There was £19221.28 in the current account and £7,284 in the Business 30 day notice account.


b)       It was RESOLVED to approve the following bills for payment as below and instruct the signatories to sign the cheques with the exception of the amount to Councillor Lucy Reid which had reduced to £79.96 following contributions from other people.


·         Clerks’ Salary less income tax, NI plus expenses £889.72

·         G Brookes, Avendale Garden Services £630

·         Avening WI refreshments for APM £114

·         SLCC Inserts to Clerks manual £30

·         Cllr Lucy Reid Jubilee entertainment and associated costs in provision of entertainment £79.96, previously £141 but reduced (see above).

·         PCC  For Villager Bumper Edition £250

·         PCC Annual Grant for Avening Villager £300

·         APFA Annual Grant for Avening playing Field £1600

·         Avening Memorial Hall Annual Grant  £1,500

·         Avening Playgroup Annual grant £500

·         CCVS Dial a Ride £400

·         Cobalt Cancer Unit (Volunteer of the Year) £50

·         Friends of Avening School £651.60



·         It was RESOLVED to approve the following cheques written since the last meeting and instruct the signatories to sign the cheques.

·         James and Owen Stationery £80

·         GAPTC CILCA Training  £150

·         SLCC CILCA Management  £150

·         Cllr W J Parsons Jubilee entertainment £120

·         Cllr Mick Williamson reimbursement for payment to Cross Public House £50


c)       To approve changes to annual budget for 2012/13


The Council’s income for 2012/13 was expected to be below £25,000


d)       To receive advice and consider diversifying Council investments

The permanent Clerk reported that Councils did not seem to be covered by the financial services scheme covering up to £85,000 held in bank accounts.  Council could review this when it reviews its banking when s150(5) is repealed shortly.

e)       To resolve to obtain photographs of all assets on the Avening Parish Council asset list and to make the necessary arrangements for this to happen.


It was RESOLVED that Cllr Slater would take photographs of the assets upon receipt of the asset list.


f)         To resolve to obtain photographs of proposed new items to be insured to request an accurate quote from the insurance company for possible future insurance.


It was RESOLVED that Councillor Slater would take photographs of the proposed new assets to be insured.  The Clerk had checked this with the insurance company.  It is possible to insure an asset that belongs to someone else but they have to ‘gift’ the item to the Council.  It was RESOLVED to take the photographs of the new assets in the first instance.  With thanks to Cllr Slater in anticipation.


g)       To consider and resolve upon matters set out in the permanent Clerk’s report on contract matters (closed session).

It was RESOLVED to vary the agenda to deal with agenda point 10, Planning and Tree Works Applications.





a)       To note progress/advice on the new Code of Conduct to reflect content introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and to adopt a code of conduct.

Council RESOLVED to ‘roll over’ their existing code of conduct (subject to the deletion of the section on Members’ Interests and its replacement by the provisions of the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012) until such time as a Gloucestershire-wide Code is agreed between the various authorities.  This approach has been adopted by a number of other authorities, including Gloucestershire County Council, and Cotswold District Council. 




Ward: Avening
Date: 09 July 2012
Location: Herons Mead, West End, Avening, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8NE
Proposal: Extend domestic curtilage to include access road to stable block and retaining wall

Decision: Permit

Case officer: Claire Baker




Correspondence:- CPRE Field work magazine, Tom Long’s Post, CPRE Branch AGM papers.


Julie Wickham left the meeting at 10pm.  Councillor John Catterall left the room briefly but returned at 10.05pm.


It was unanimously RESOLVED that the meeting move into closed session under the terms of The Public (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 as the business to be discussed included staffing matters and contracts which were confidential and could be prejudiced by being in the public domain at this time, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.




It was RESOLVED to approve the matters set out in the Clerk’s staff report with the implementation of item 2 from 1st April 2013.

Under item 4, option 3, the Clerk’s suggestion was approved.


The meeting closed at 10.30pm.




The Next Meeting of Avening Parish Council will be on Thursday, 20th September 2012

in Avening Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m.  All welcome.